Sunday, June 5, 2011

I went to a PARTY!

I went to a party with my parents (a wedding). I was so excited to go to the party. I had ice cream (two since mom shared hers with me too) and cake. I ate trail mix, crackers, m & ms and french fries for dinner. I ran around and played with all my new friends. When mom asked me what I was up to I told her that I didn't have time to talk with her since I was "playing with all my best friends!" Here is a picture of me and another girl who I gave a lot of hugs too and did some dancing with. I danced with my mommy and daddy but the fun really started when my cousin Mason came! We danced for an hour together and had a great time! Later on a mean little girl pushed me for no reason and I got upset and cried. Mom and dad decided that the tears meant it may be time to call it a night. On the way home I begged them to take me to another party.......I guess mom says I am a party animal like my dad.

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