Monday, August 20, 2012

Wagon rides

Here the kids are going for a wagon ride together.  I guess it looks like the wagon fits 3 for now but maybe we can make room for Cameron soon.  We won't have to worry about fitting in 3 Eckert kids though!  Emmy did ask me yesterday if I could get her a baby sister.  I tried to remind her that her little brother was enough work and that it would mean another sibling to share with then.  She told me to get her a baby then that wasn't her sister.  I guess she meant like a temporary baby that can visit us?  I will have to see what's available.

Cousins having fun together

The cousins enjoyed some time outside playing in our backyard this past weekend.  Mason and Emmy love to play together but now Bobby is getting in on the fun as well.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

5 Years of marraige

Robb and I celebrated 5 years of marraige today.  We tried to take a picture of the two of us to commemorate the day but the kids wouldn't allow any pictures to be taken without them and so it ended up being a family picture.  Wow, the changes that have happened in 5 years time.  I couldn't have wished for a better life....two amazing kids we love to pieces, both of us happy with our jobs, good health, beautiful home.  God has been so good to us and life is just awesome!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Emmy and Robb went to a Republican fundraiser dinner event together last night.  Bob and I spent time together at home.  Emmy wore her Weepublican shirt and was a big hit at the party.  She was looking forward to this time with her dad all day long.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How big are Emmy and Bobby? SO BIG!

I did some measurements on Bobby and Emmy today.  Bobby weighs 29 lbs to Emmy's 35 lbs and he is 33.5 inches to her 39 inches.  I entered this data in and they are both in between 75-90th percentile for their ages.  We've got some big kids so far.  Will be so much fun to see if they stay tall for their age or are little and quick like Robb and me!

Monday, August 13, 2012

A fast finish!

The last 100 yds Emmy and I ran to the finish.  She told me she wanted to beat me in the race and win "the golden medal"  When we ran to the finish line she was again cheered on by all the students and finished with a present and a "ta da!!"  She was looking for her medal but I found a chocolate chip granola bar that I told her was her prize for now with the medal to come later.  Then once we were home I found an old partipation medal I got for a race and presented that to her.  She was so happy she wore it to bed that night.  She was so proud of her first race!!  Here is also a picture of the Eckert men finishing the race.  I was so happy to show off my family to the students.  I think they enjoyed the race but maybe not as much as I did.
Here are the Eckert racers halfway through the event.  The kids were riding in the stroller at this point and Robb and I were walking.  We really enjoyed ourselves throughout the mile.

Emmy was so excited to start the race.  The students all cheered for her.  She made it about 100 yds and then told me she was tired.  Robb and Bobb started off running too (you can see Bobby in his shirt that is too big).

Our family's first race

The students in the DPT program that are going to Guatemala organized a running event to help support their trip.  I entered the 10K and beat all my students which is always my goal ;)  I ran a 43 minute 10K (7 min miles) which was actually fun and not painful.  Then the family came for the mile run.  Bobby dumped a bottle of water on his shirt prior to the start so he wore his participation shirt which was slighly big for him.

Dancing and singing show

Emmy loves to perform for us.  She does a sing a long to her Strawberry Shortcake video.  She doesn't know most of the words but she always catches up by the end of each line and belts out the final word as loud as possible.  Even the words she makes up she belts out loudly and emphatically.  It is hilarious to watch!  Bobby has started partipating too.  He doesn't sing but his dance moves are epic.  He waves his arms up and down and bounces back and forth on his feet.  He turns circles as fast as he can until he falls over.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who enjoys the Barbie car more?

Bobby and Emmy both love to drive this car.  Emmy is very good at sharing with Bobby who prefers to drive the car in reverse.  Emmy is actually really good at driving this car around....Bobby is a little bit of a crazy driver (like his dad).

Do we write with the sidewalk chalk as much as we wear it once finished?

I'm not sure if there is more sidewalk chalk on our driveway or on Bobby.  I do know for sure that he sneaked in a bite of the yellow chalk before I could stop him.  I once watched a show where a lady regularly ate it can't kill you I guess.  It must not have tasted great because one bite was enough for him.

Are these kids related? Yes, I think so!

When looking at this picture I just was struck at how similar my kids look.  Of course they are both adorable ;) but they also look like true brother/sister in that their looks are similar.  In this picture they are both thinking......"Mom, enough with the picture so we can enjoy our popsicles!"

Winding down on the summer fun

Today we went to the park....for about 5 minutes and then Emmy told my she had to go poopy.  Yes, we did go before we left but these things can't be helped.  We enjoyed some popsicles outside once we had taken care of business.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Emerson keeps me laughing

Emmy and I went shopping today.  I was trying on some bras and Emmy told me, "Oh Mommy that one is just a dream, it makes you look so gorgeous!"  Later we were doing prayers and she said, "Dear God, my mommy is a great person.....but I AM THE BEST!"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hula Hooping at Urban Harvest

At Urban Harvest there is an area where the kids can hula hoop.  Emmy is so funny when she tries.  She whirts the hoop around her and then shakes her hips back and forth.  She told me today after vigorously shaking her hips back and forth that "This move is my dad's move!"  Bobby did some dancing and then did his best to hula hoop.  Grandpa Bob helped try to teach him how to do it and Bobby was pretty entertained!  Later we came across a booth where they were selling really neat hoops.  Emmy of course wanted one but after buying her a dress and cookie I told her that mommy had bought her enough for today.  Of course, grandpa Bob couldn't see Emmy be disappointed and so he helped her pick out one and bought it for her.  She was so proud and happy.  Once we were home she brought it inside and with her blankie laid inside of it.  She was not very good about sharing with Bobby so maybe we will have to get him one next time!

Urban Harvest

We went to the Urban Harvest downtown today.  It was such fun!  The kids ate cookies and we enjoyed the company and the nice weather.  This summer has been full of such great memories!

Swimming lessons

I have really enjoyed watching Emmy swim and have fun at lessons.  She can do a front float, back float, jump in, swim on her front and back with a barbell.  She is really improving and most important she is having a great time.  I love her personality.  She is always friendly and has a smile on her face.  Her swimming teacher seems to enjoy her and of course she would because Emmy is awesome (in my unbiased opinion ;).  As I was taking a video of Emmy swimming she got out of the pool and came running over to me just to let me know she loves me.  Later on the way home she told Bobby...."Bobby, I will teach you how to become big like me.....then you can go to lessons!"