Wednesday, July 31, 2013


 We took a few pictures on our last night of gymnastics for the summer.  Bobby had a great time jumping in the sponge pit. 
 Sometimes the only way to get Bobby to sit still for a minute so his teacher can give the class directions is to physically restrain him.  I was definitely exhausted by the end of each class.  Emmy is a good listener and so she just sits by us to keep the naughty Bobby company.

Most of the time Bobby is running full speed while at class.  He usually is running away from his class and away from me. I had to threaten several times with time outs.  He loves to run over to the water drinking fountain where he drinks so much water so fast that last week at class he threw up water.  He just really love the drinking fountain!

 Here I am physically restraining my Bobby again so he will listen to his teacher.  I do like to hold him and as his "partner" it is my job to make sure he doesn't get kicked out of class.
 He is very strong and can hold himself up on the rings where he practices his positions and does very well remembering each one.
 Here is our Emmy girl in the sponge pit!

 Emmy's teacher asked her to demonstrate the 'flamingo' on the bars for the class.  She jumped right up and did it perfectly.  I was proud!  She has really learned a lot.
Bobby is so brave and he loves to flip over around the bar.  When he gets hurt he always jumps back up and tries it again.  He is one tough little dude!

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