Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hockey time

Robb enrolled Emmy in hockey but she is about 5 weeks behind the other kids who started sooner.  We decided to trade in dance for hockey since Emmy was more interested in hockey.  She loves it even when she is mostly falling.  Many parents and coaches have told Robb that they are impressed by her attitude and how she has improved and we are very proud of our little hockey player.

Christmas is coming

We took a family picture and sent out Xmas cards this past week.  As always that was a challenge.  Robb and I maintain our frozen smiles when the photographer tries to tickle Bobby and we just tried to keep him from falling off of our laps.  Out of the 30 shots about 3 turned out where both kids were looking at camera at same time.  We also went to look at Xmas lights around town and in the park as we do every year.  The kids always love doing that.  Our Elf had a mishap when he got too close to the light fixture.  I blame Robb for that one since the light fixture was his choice for a hiding spot.  We then forgot he was up there and had the lights turned on;......eventually we smelled something burning.  The kids were sad to see his burn injuries but band aids seem to help.  Although the kids believe the Elf is real at night I had to try to explain (make up a story) as to why the Elf's burn injuries would probably not heal overnight.  Emmy is getting better and better at Hockey and is still loving it  We are so proud of her positive attitude.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Videos of hockey and Xmas show

Hockey and other things keeping us busy

Emmy and Bobby got their letters from Santa (I do this for the kids and the nephews every year).  Santa seemed to know a lot about what they've been up to. 

Robb got Emmy into hockey using a few of his connections and some help from Uncle Jeff.  Emmy is 5 weeks behind but many other parents of hockey kids and coaches have come up to praise her for her great attitude.  They have told Robb she is doing great although after 2 days of hockey she was falling more than skating.  She did skate 15 feet on her own and had a smile on her face the entire time.  She loved hockey but I'm not that excited about entering into a sport I know nothing about.  Bobby and I cheered for her and Bobby was looking forward to a future where he could join her out there.

This past Sunday was the Xmas show at church.  Emmy and Bobby held hands up in the front and sang their little hearts out.  I was very proud.  When they were called up to the front I asked Emmy to help Bobby up to the front.  Well, Bobby didn't require Emmy's help I guess and raced up to the front ahead of her with Emmy trailing behind yelling, "Bobby I want to help you!" 

Emmy had a Xmas party at Kindergarten yesterday where she sang songs in the music room for all of us parents and then Robb and I helped her to make a gingerbread house.  It was very fun to see her in her element.  She sang and did all the actions to the songs very animatedly from her spot in front and in between songs she used her hands to make the shape of a heart and then pointed to me.  I have the sweetest little girl in the world for sure!  Her dad helped her frost the gingerbread house and then she covered (no spot left without candy) the entire thing with candy.  Her friend Lauren took a picture with her then. 

Bobby and I visited Grandma Pearl in the Rehab facility on Sunday.  Bobby sang, danced and gave Grandma lots of hugs to help her feel better.  He is such a nice boy and he really loves Grandma Pearl.  He has been saying prayers every night (Emmy has too) to help her feel better.  Last night when tucking Bobby in and saying our prayers he really made me laugh.  We play a game where he tries to hold on to my arm and not let me go and since I am pretty strong I always break free.  I challenge him before I try to break loose and always ask him if tonight is the night he will be able to hold on to me.  He always thinks he can and so last night I asked him if he wanted to bet his Xmas presents on it that he would be able to hold on to me.  He didn't waste time thinking on it and quickly answered, "Yes, but I want to bet Emmy's Xmas presents instead."  That really was smart but I did tell him he couldn't bet his sister's gifts.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Emmy performs in the frozen show

Emmy was in the Frozen dance shows this past weekend.  This year she was in two of them and had two dances in one and one dance in the other.  She loves to have me do her hair and make up and dress up in the costumes.  She is a true girl!  She poses and performs dance moves for me constantly.  She really enjoyed the dancing and the show and had many fans: Grandpa Eckert, Grandma Eckert, Grandma Launa, Robb, me and even Andrew.  It was a very busy weekend for her and for her dance mom.

Santa at the zoo

On Saturday this past weekend the kids, Robb and I went to Santa's story time at the zoo.  They listened to some interactive stories and songs led by Santa.  Emmy volunteered an answer to Santa's question on the red nosed Reindeer and then volunteered to help him with the next song.  She was the only kid that held up her sign and did a little dance when it was her turn in the song.  That girl has got personality.  When I ask the kids if I can take pictures of them she is always coming up with different poses to do.  We then took pictures with Santa and the kids told him about their Elf on the Shelf and the shenanigans that elf has been up to.  Bobby told Santa he wants a guitar and Emmy told him Minecraft (a computer game she plays) toys.  Every time I ask them what they'd like for Christmas it is something different.  We took a cold winter day tour of the zoo and it was fun to see the animals out.  The kids loved the afternoon and we followed that up with a trip to get frozen yogurt.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving weekend

We had a fun filled weekend of family this past Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  Bob and Candy had us over for a thanksgiving feast that was delicious!  Emmy was asked to say grace to which she responded....."Grace."  We then explained that we wanted her to say a thanksgiving prayer and she gave us a long list of things she was thankful for.  Bobby and Emmy put on a performance for us, singing and dancing for my parents, Robb's parents and Grandma Pearl.  After a fantastic dinner we settled in at home and were busy sledding with the cousins and just spending some quality time together.  Sunday at church the kids were part of the hanging of the greens in the front of church.  They walked the pointsettias up to the front and it was really cute.  They each made two trips.  I help often in their classroom and was with to help on this day.  Bobby was really affectionate to me, giving me kisses up and down my arms and hands.  They are pretty proud to claim me as their mom and nothing feels better than that love.   Later that day we all went to a 3D movie where Bobby got a little frightened and spent the majority of the movie in my lap (which I LOVED)!  We also went to Hallmark and let the kids choose their own ornaments.  Emmy picked out a princess ornament that we could put her picture into and Bobby chose transformers.  The kids were really into decorating the house for Christmas and really understand the meaning of the holiday with baby Jesus' birthday.  My heart was full of love and I really appreciated every moment with these smart, funny kids and my Robb.