Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving weekend

We had a fun filled weekend of family this past Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  Bob and Candy had us over for a thanksgiving feast that was delicious!  Emmy was asked to say grace to which she responded....."Grace."  We then explained that we wanted her to say a thanksgiving prayer and she gave us a long list of things she was thankful for.  Bobby and Emmy put on a performance for us, singing and dancing for my parents, Robb's parents and Grandma Pearl.  After a fantastic dinner we settled in at home and were busy sledding with the cousins and just spending some quality time together.  Sunday at church the kids were part of the hanging of the greens in the front of church.  They walked the pointsettias up to the front and it was really cute.  They each made two trips.  I help often in their classroom and was with to help on this day.  Bobby was really affectionate to me, giving me kisses up and down my arms and hands.  They are pretty proud to claim me as their mom and nothing feels better than that love.   Later that day we all went to a 3D movie where Bobby got a little frightened and spent the majority of the movie in my lap (which I LOVED)!  We also went to Hallmark and let the kids choose their own ornaments.  Emmy picked out a princess ornament that we could put her picture into and Bobby chose transformers.  The kids were really into decorating the house for Christmas and really understand the meaning of the holiday with baby Jesus' birthday.  My heart was full of love and I really appreciated every moment with these smart, funny kids and my Robb.

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