Monday, November 9, 2015

Halloween Fun and Kingdom Fest

 This past weekend was Kingdom Fest!  The kids enjoyed all kinds of games at the church and I volunteered to put tattoos on the kids.  We all had a great time and the kids were dressed up as a princess and robot knight.
Also this past week was deer season opener.  The kids and I were home along and so they took turns sleeping in my bed with me.  Emmy only lasted a couple hours before her noises and restlessness resulted in me moving her back to her bed.  At one point her arm was straight up in the air while she laid on her back.  Bobby was easier to sleep with and so we cuddled all night.  We also made sure to make a Starbucks run on the way to school one morning and also have a pizza night!

Emmy was pretty excited this morning to wear her new jacket.  Her old one has a big hole in it and she has been wanting to start wearing the new one.  She has matching sunglasses I gave her and so she put them both together to get to school in style today.

Bobby and Emmy are on the same hockey team.  They both wanted to same number and so once again Bobby relented and let Emmy have the number.  Even though she is the big sister, little brother often shares his things and also gives in to make her happy. 

 Grandpa Bob and Grandma Candy gave the kids Barnes and Nobles cards for Halloween.  They had hockey that Sunday at different times so while dad took them each to their hockey practice the other sibling went with me to pick out a book.  Bobby got two Power Rangers books and Emmy chose Pokémon.  Neither child chose the books I was hoping for.....but it wasn't my choice or gift and so we left with the books they wanted.  We also made sure to get treats.  Bobby got a pizza pretzel and Emmy and I went later for frozen yogurt.
 We did manage to go out with friends for Halloween weekend to an 80s themed party.  Robb ended up being one of three Richard Simmons look a likes.  It was a great time!

Halloween fell on a Saturday this year which made for some good fun.  It was Great Grandma's birthday and so we got her a treat/gift and the kids made her a card.  Emmy chose to dress up like Draculora and Bobby was Optimus Prime Transformer.  We went trick or treating with our cousins and again collected more candy then we were able to hand out to trick or treaters.  It was windy out there but the kids didn't seem to mind.  The house that they got the biggest haul from was of course, Grandpa and Grandma Moldenhauers :)  

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