Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Program and a Christmas Card sent by God

Bobby and Emmy were in the Church Christmas program last weekend.  Emmy had chosen to be an angel and Bobby was a sheep.  They looked so cute up there during their parts.  Emmy did tell me that the angels did not get to be up on stage enough and also she felt Bobby had more stage time than she did.  When she was to exit the stage I saw her squinting out at the audience because she hadn't found us out in the audience yet at that point.  I looked pretty ridiculous smiling and waving frantically but it did allow her to spot us and her whole face lit up.

Our Christmas cards are all hanging up and we hang more as they arrive.  Bobby was looking at all of them the other day and he exclaimed to me, "Mommy, God sent us a Christmas card!"  I wondered what he could be talking about and then I saw him looking at the card sent by U Mary to us that has a Nativity scene on the front of the card.  He thought that made perfect sense that God would send us a card that had Jesus's birth on the front.  It was sweet and smart and just another part of my Bobby I love.  I did explain that we aren't on God's VIP Xmas card list.....but I loved that he thought so.

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