Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January is crazy busy!

This month has been crazy busy for all of us.  The kids have hockey both days every weekend and they are getting to be such great skaters and players.  I love watching them and they often look up to the stands to where I am sitting which is fun.  Bobby gave his last Pre-K performance at EMDC.  He sang and danced and knew every word.  Emmy and I cheered very loud and dad took great pics.  Emmy is back at dance and she loves her new outfit.  She had pictures this week and hasn't had an official performance but is working hard to learn the dance since she is joining up with the group late.  Today we sign Bobby up for Kindergarten and although he is very ready.....I am feeling so nostalgic.  I can't believe my kids have grown up so fast.  I've enjoyed every year but I wish I could slow down time just a bit!

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