Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bobby's 3 girlfriends

 Bobby got a hair cut this week with the lady that cuts Robb's hair.  He introduced himself with a, "Hi, I am Bobby Eckert!" and then later on the stylist asked him if he had any girlfriends.  He told her, "Yes, I have three."  "Keira from my school and Emmy and Jody."  The stylist asked, "Are Emmy and Jody also from your school?"  Bobby replied,"No, Emmy is my sister and Jody is my mommy."  He melts my heart!
I was in the paper the other day, providing some advice on core stability.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Catching up with the blog

 Emmy told me one morning that she needed to do her hair crazy since it was crazy hair day at school.  I put 20 different barrettes and bows into her hair but when she came home none were still in her hair.  I asked her why they weren't in her hair and she told me this was because she discovered that crazy hair day was the next day and so her teacher took out the bows.  I had a good laugh since she had even went to breakfast that day with her grandparents with her hair crazy.
 Emmy's friend Lauren came to watch her play hockey last weekend, we are lucky to have such great fans!
 Valentine's day Emmy had a play date, Robb went to the gym and I ended up getting to go for a frozen yogurt date with my little love Bobby.  He was a great date and chose the spot for us to sit and got our spoons while I paid.  I asked him if he planned to pay for our treat and he said, "You have to pay for this frozen yogurt?"

 This week I surprised Bobby and showed up at his gymnastics.  He was leading the pack in exercises when I showed up and his teacher had paused to get the kids into a line and Bobby's "girlfriend" was laying on the mat a few feet away.  Bobby decided to be helpful and he came over to his girlfriend and said, "Hey girlfriend, let me help you!"  he reached down and helped her up.  It was adorable.  Later after class I gave him a cake pop treat I had got for him and it was really sweet to have a little extra time with him before I went back to work.

Emmy had to read the book, "Mom races" as part of her homework the other day.  How appropriate!! When she read the end pages of the book where the mom does her best but doesn't finish in first Emmy said "My mom does her best and also finishes in first!"  Fun to see her be proud of her mom.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Mason takes Emmy to the bull riding at the Rodeo

Emmy was so excited that her cousin Mason chose her to join him (and Auntie Stacy) at the rodeo last night.  They ended up on the Jumbotron and Emmy told me she wanted to make her time on camera funny so she reached over and messed up Mason's hair.  She told me he said, "Emerson, why are you doing that?"  She said, "to make this funny!"  They had a great time.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Bobby is a little old man?

The other night all the Eckerts were sitting on the couch enjoying some TV before bedtime and Bobby asked for his water.  Robb told him to go and get it himself from the fridge.  Bobby gave a loud sigh and said, "Ugh, I am getting too old for this!"  It was pretty funny to hear him use that saying. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Emmy lost another tooth and Bobby and mom went on a movie date!

 Bobby's best friend Thomas and his mom invited us to a movie date night last Friday. We went to Kung Fu Panda and Bobby devoured his popcorn, fruit snack, soda.  In fact he got so thirsty from the popcorn that he drank my drink as well!  He sat on my lap for a large portion of it (which I requested and loved every minute of) and he also animatedly demonstrated some Kung Fu moves he thought the panda should try to fight the bad guys.  Emmy went with Robb to Space Aliens to have their own date.
 Emmy had a front tooth that was just hanging there for day.  Finally she let me give it a little tug and out it popped!  She earned 3 dollars from the tooth fairy and on Saturday she and I went to Claire's Boutique to choose a prize (she also had 10$ from Xmas time gifts).  She chose all kinds of small prizes she wanted and then we went to the Pet store so she could pet dogs and look at birds.  She even overheard someone mention they were headed to look at fish and insisted on leading them to the fish section (even though the person knew where it was they played along).  I told her PetCo should employ her.  She had a great day and so did I. 

Robb stopped by Bobby's gymnastic class last week to see him do some tricks. He enjoys burning some energy off and was excited to see his dad.