Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Catching up

 The boys went to the first home game of the new Bismarck Bucks arena football team.  They had great seats as dad bought season tickets.  Emmy didn't want to go so we had some girl cuddle time on the couch and ordered in food.
 We went to visit Grandma Pearl and stopped for donuts.  While at the gas station Bobby found the beef sticks and insisted on getting one.  He is always excited for beef jerky.

 Last hockey games of the season were last weekend and Bobby worked so hard his head was wet with sweat.  You can imagine how back their gear smells!
 We dyed Easter eggs this past weekend as well and then we made Peep birds in nests with their own little eggs.  These looked cuter than they tasted but the kids didn't seem to mind.
This week there was Wacky dress day at school and the kids went wild.  They chose their outfits and they looked pretty great for wacky day.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Girls trip....interrupted

Emmy and planned to head to Aberdeen last Sunday but the road were terrible so we turned around.  She was great about the cancelled trip and was very happy to head to Space Aliens for pizza and an Oreo shake.  We played games and once again I scored over 1000 points which meant she got to pick from the big prizes and also had extra points for Bobby to get some cool things.  I told her I would let her have 30$ total to spend on games and shopping (her choice of fun).  She spent 10$ on games and then 1$ she donated to the Humane Society to help the animals (her sweet, thoughtful idea).  We then went shopping at Target, Justice and Claire's (again her choice).  It was a loooooong afternoon as she spent a lot of time doing math, asking what things cost and figuring out what she liked best.  It was a test to my patience to have her do this for 2 hours but eventually she came up with a headband with an E on it and a necklace she really loved.  She had a good girl's day even if it wasn't our original vision.  We also still slept together since we would've done that in the hotel room together.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Great reports from the kids teachers at conferences

We were so very happy to have great visits with the kid's teachers last week.  Emmy's strength is reading (she is reading way above her level) and she is above average or expected marks in all areas.  She is a leader, a sweetheart and has an imaginative mind according to her teacher.  Bobby is reading Emmy's books now and he loves to learn.  He is top of his class in math skills and sounding out letter sounds.  He too is way above in all the areas he was tested in and is his teacher's favorite for sure.  We were so proud of our kids and we took them out to McDonalds to celebrate.

Bobby laughs

Bobby is always saying funny things.  Last weekend Robb asked him to "do him a favor and get dressed"  I heard Bobby reply, "No thanks,  I don't have to do that because favors are something you don't have to do."  Then this morning Emmy told me she felt so bad for Bobby because at school the kids call him Booby.  I asked Bobby if this hurt his feelings and he said yes but the kids were likely just not pronouncing his name right.

SD fun!

 We made a lot of great memories at the cabin.  We played board games together and had many laughs.

 We went for a couple of hikes to see the beautiful SD scenery.  Bobby found a new buddy in Chris Lundeen while I enjoyed my new little friend Chloe!

 I got to spend lots of time with my Bobby who likes to be first to finish the hikes and also likes to exercise.

The kids enjoyed the outdoor pool which was heated (even though outside it was very cold).  Bobby who never naps even fell asleep on the way back to Bismarck!

Ski Trip to Terry Peak

 We headed out over Spring Break to Terry Peak where we had rented a cabin with the Lundeen family.  The cabin was great with a hot tub and plenty of room to have fun in.  The kids all had Ski School Thursday morning while the adults had 2 hours to ski alone.  We picked the kids up at lunch and took a green hill with a lot of flat areas to the lodge for lunch.  Bobby got timid and went super slow, lost his momentum and hit some flat areas where Robb had to take his snow board off and push Bobby the rest of the way.  Robb wasn't too happy about that but we did enjoy a great lunch!

 The kids really enjoyed skiing with their friends and by the end of the first day they were doing the obstacle course.  Although the methods of doing the course were a bit strange.  Emmy would straddle the ramp and slide on her butt.  She told Heather she likes to "blaze her own trails" and that was exactly what she did!

 Chloe did ski school on the second day and Emmy was excited to see her.  Bobby and Emmy wanted to stay with their family and not do ski school again.  Friday was Bobby's actual birthday and we sang the happy birthday song and I made sure anyone who would listen would know how special the day was.  This ended up being fun as most of the ski lift operators knew it was his birthday and would randomly wish him happy birthday when he walked by.  He loved it!
We took a final group photo on that second day.  The weather was nice and the snow was great too.  We enjoyed having a group to ski with and have lunch with so it was a lot of fun at Terry Peak.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

More party games

We played a star wars game similar to pin the tail on the donkey and we also had many family members who were able to join us!

Bobby's birthday party!

 We celebrated Bobby's birthday early this year because we are going on our ski trip with the Lundeen family over his real birthday.

 Bobby wanted a Star Wars theme and he chose his own cake - vanilla cake with frosting.  The cake was a hit and many had second helpings.

 We opened gifts and he got some great presents!  We also played games and Bobby had a pull string pinata.  He was the first person to pull and he pulled the magic string that made it come open!  The kids went crazy!!!