Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Catching up

 The boys went to the first home game of the new Bismarck Bucks arena football team.  They had great seats as dad bought season tickets.  Emmy didn't want to go so we had some girl cuddle time on the couch and ordered in food.
 We went to visit Grandma Pearl and stopped for donuts.  While at the gas station Bobby found the beef sticks and insisted on getting one.  He is always excited for beef jerky.

 Last hockey games of the season were last weekend and Bobby worked so hard his head was wet with sweat.  You can imagine how back their gear smells!
 We dyed Easter eggs this past weekend as well and then we made Peep birds in nests with their own little eggs.  These looked cuter than they tasted but the kids didn't seem to mind.
This week there was Wacky dress day at school and the kids went wild.  They chose their outfits and they looked pretty great for wacky day.

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