Tuesday, May 23, 2017


 We've gotten into the pool this month and even had friends over already!
 May weather is unpredictable and I let the kids take an umbrella to school (they had to share it).
 We went to the band night parade and the kids collected lots of candy once again.

 Color dash this year!  Bobby got his ENTIRE face painted like a red flame.  It was not easy to remove at the end of the day.  We enjoyed another 5K run/walk.  Bobby and I finished ahead of the group again.

 Coach Robb has another group of young men he is leading.  Bobby is amongst the group and full of energy.  Bobby is doing really well in T ball.  I cheer loudly for him when he is up to bat.  He likes to point his bat at me before he hits to acknowledge me in the crowd.  The last game I cheered "Go Bobby" while he was on 3rd and he took off sprinting to home.  "No, Bobby - wait for the batter to hit the ball!" was my next shout out to him.  Whoops!
 Mother's day was very special.  The kids pampered me and gave me lots of hugs and attention (as did Robb).  Emmy made me these earrings.  Robb got me workout classes (something I enjoy).

 Mother's day spa!  Bobby has been talking and looking forward to it for so long.  He was adorable painting my toes, giving me a massage, serving me a snack and doing my make up.  I loved every minute of my time with him and he was great at making me feel special.

 After the spa we went out for ice cream.....of course!

 Fargo Marathon weekend. I got a prize in the 5K for placing 2nd in my age division and 4th overall.  My fastest race yet!  6:25 pace for those 3.1 miles.  I was sore the next day but ready to run the 2nd leg of the 2 person relay with Heather.  I ended up with the longer leg - 14 miles and I averaged out 7:45 min miles.  Our total time was 3:19!  We won the women's division and got 2nd out of all teams!

Emmy and I like to be twinsies sometimes.  Here is a pic of our outfits this morning!

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