Thursday, August 10, 2017

 What do you get when you combine Spider Man and the Incredible Hulk?  Bobby busting out of his costume!  He is getting so big and he split this costume in a few areas right at the seems.  He has been so busy playing, growing and having fun this summer.  Today I ran early with my friend and when I got home Bobby wanted to run with me.  He and I ran all the way to his daycare (about 1 mile) and he was so proud of himself.  I was very proud of him too for making it all that way.  He is a great runner and biker.  Usually when he, Emmy and I go for bike rides he is in the lead.  This is saying a lot since his little legs have to make a lot more times around compared to Emmy and I to get his bike going.  He works hard and he never gives up!

 Kids had a water day at tennis for the final day and they loved it!  They were told to partner up and I was so happy to see that Bobby and Emmy pick each other right away.  They are playing together so nice all summer and it warms my heart.

 We had not been to the zoo yet and so we had to make a trip last week.  The animals were out and we enjoyed seeing them.
 We had a girls day and a boys day when Robb decided to take Bobby back to the ranch for some fishing.  They caught some huge fish and a lot of them.  Then they prepared and ate them.  Bobby was super excited about this and is still talking about this fishing trip.  Emmy and I rode our bikes to the park for a picnic and then cuddled on the couch and rented a movie.  We enjoyed our time together just like the boys did!

 My little bike riders and I biked all the way down to McCabe church where dad was parked on the day that the Capital Affair was happening.  We then ate lunch and strolled around together before biking back.  The kids and I are almost always on the move and I have loved this summer with them.  They are really, truly my favorite people to hang out with and I hope they will say the same about their mom (at least for a few more years yet).

 We really have the coolest grandma.  She rode bumper cars, super slide and all with a great big smile on her face.  The kids were pretty excited that she was interested in doing this with them.  We had super slide races and no one wanted to be the loser.  Bobby and I won the first race in getting down fastest and then Emmy and I teamed up and were down fastest but Grandma and Bobby slid a longer they kind of won too they said.  I found out later that Bobby had grabbed on to our rug so they could pass us and go further at the end.  That stinker!
Emmy is enjoying her Choir camp this week and has learned many new songs.  Today at snack time she asked if she could take home a snack for her brother since she had brought her own.  She is so thoughtful and sweet.  I thought she looked beautiful next to these red flowers and so I took some pictures of her today while we went to the downtown street fair.  She had to swear not to tell Bobby because he was still at daycare since I had to get Emmy early from choir camp.  I asked her if we should pick up Bobby before running an errand and taking a quick look at what was being sold downtown and she told me that although she loves time with her brother she doesn't get to be alone with me much and would like the special time.  I totally get that and so we opted for making sure we bought some bath bombs (the kids are crazy for these) for Bobby so he would know we were thinking of him.  We still picked him up plenty early and then the kids and Robb went to Raging Rivers one last time for the summer.  I have loved this summer and as it is winding down again I try to remember every day how much God has blessed with this time and memories with my family.  I love being a mom and wife!  Robb and I are at 10 years this year and I could not feel more grateful, blessed and happy.

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