Tuesday, September 19, 2017

 Emmy's class has a facebook page and the teacher shares pictures and updates from the class.  Emmy has been doing good deeds on the daily and so she is often featured.
 Emmy had her last Bio girls practice and she brought some thank you flowers and a card she made for her mentors.
 I had some really good fans at my 5K.  It wasn't my best time or race but it sure was fun to run into the finish to see my parents, kids, husband.  I finished in 21 minutes and ran a 6:48 pace this time around.

 My women's team once again came in first!  I ran the longest leg - 6.6 and my pace was 7:15.  I caught the team ahead of us and put us into first and Heather ran a great leg to give us the win.  We won those black jackets and more importantly we enjoyed it.  I wasn't the only Eckert exercising that day since the kids both had soccer games and Emmy had a basketball game as well.  The weather was chilly but at least by the time the kids had their events the rain had stopped.

 Annual trip to the pumpkin patch was last Sunday and the kids really enjoyed it.  We bought two small pumpkins for our grandmas and visited them now that they both have moved in to the nursing home.

Emmy has been inspired to run in a cross country meet and she completed the 1/2 mile run this week.  She had some coughing issues and a side ache but she still ran the whole way and finished.  I was proud of her tenacity!  I hope she continues to enjoy running as I do.

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