Thursday, April 5, 2018

Easter Florida trip

 We enjoyed our annual Florida trip this year again.  Bobby spotted a large family of otters that were playing in grandpa and grandma's backyard.  We watched them for quite a while.  Bobby and I became frozen yogurt regulars at the clubhouse and made several trips.  He told me that it was clear to him that I was a frozen yogurt super fan!  We also made a trip to the beach where the kids enjoyed some play time.  Popsicles poolside was another activity the kids enjoyed a few times per day.

 Easter brunch and egg hunt was another fun time.  Emmy got lots of eggs but poor Bobby had an incident.  He tripped and all his eggs flew out of his basket and the other (MEAN) kids ran and grabbed them all.  There were tears and eventually the Easter photo booth and great brunch food cheered him up.

 Bobby asked me if he and I could have a date while we were in Florida.  I would never deny a request that results in me getting to hang out with him.  I found a fish restaurant attached to Bass Pro Shop that was perfect for him (not so much for me, but if he is having fun so am I).  He was really into eating Mahi Mahi fish this trip and so that is what he ordered.  We also shopped around Bass Pro Shop and I bought him a hat to remember our date and trip to Bass Pro.  He insisted I also get a souvenir from our time together so we found a coffee mug that he thought I needed to buy.  He did offer to pay for dinner and my mug but since I have the job I thought it better if I pay for all.  He was such a sweet boy and our waiter even commented that we were the nicest people he has even waited on so we must not be from around there.  Robb and Emmy also had a great date.  Emmy has found a love for sushi...and is exploring different rolls.  She also asked her dad if she could tip the waitress since she had taken a real liking to her.  They had a great time together as well.

Emmy turned 9 the day after we returned so here she is looking little in this big chair but she is a BIG girl now.  I hired a babysitter since the kids didn't have school to watch the kids on Emmy's official April 3rd birthday and gave them money for Space Alien's for lunch.  They played games and Emmy told me they announced her birthday on the loud speaker and everyone clapped and cheered for her.  She won lots of prizes and had a fun day.  Bobby got to join in on the fun too.  While we were in the airport he whispered to me that he wanted to find a souvenir for Emmy from Florida that he could give to her on her birthday.  I knew just the thing since she had found a pen with dolphins on it in a shop there in the airport.  She wanted to buy it, but had no money left over.  Bobby got it without her knowing and then hid it under his pillow once we got home so he could give it to her the next day.  It was the sweetest!

Grandpa Kelly gave Bobby money to buy a fishing rod for Florida and they caught some fish!

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