Monday, September 3, 2018

Girls trip/Boys trip

 We went to Starbucks to enjoy a breakfast together as I got closer to my full days of work.  It has been an amazing summer, blessed with awesome memories we will cherish.  I feel as though I've made the most of every moment.

 The boys went camping out at the ranch and did all the things boys do while the girls and grandma Launa enjoyed a trip to Minneapolis.  It was a fantastic way to celebrate my mom's birthday and anniversary.

 I thought it was hilarious that Joe Mauer's picture was in our hotel room decorating the place.  I took this picture especially for Bobby who is convinced that I have a big crush on Joe Mauer.  I get a kick out of teasing him about my love for Joe.

 Our girls trip was FULL of shopping at the Mall of America but we also made time for shenanigans.  The first night we ate a sushi meal (Emmy and I did). 

 The aquarium was a fun spot to stop.  Emmy enjoyed touching the starfish and learning about the other marine life.

 Emmy ran into her friend Lauren who was also staying at the same hotel!  This was a fun reunion for the girls as we were heading to the Taylor Swift concert.
 We rode the train to the concert and this was an easy way to travel.  Grandma had booked a great place to eat and we had reservations at 6:15 I started to get nervous that we may not get to eat before the concert.  I asked the waitress to prioritize Emmy's butter noodle dish and just serve us drinks if it got too late for dinner.  At 6:30 we were getting some items comped and it was clear that mom and I would be eating a liquid alcohol dinner before the concert.  It didn't slow us down or diminish the fun!

 Here we are finishing our dinner.  Mom grabbed a burger at the stadium but I waited until after the concert.  No worries!

 Emmy and I danced, sang and really had a great time.  Mom maybe didn't know most of the Taylor, Camilla Cabello or Charlie XCX songs but she had a great time with us just the same.  We loved every minute of the concert.  We got wristbands that lit up with the music.  Everything was choreographed with the wrist bands that lit up the stadium.  It was very cool!
 Emmy loved these cocoon chairs at our hotel and wanted a picture of us in one.  She and I enjoyed our bonding time with Grandma.

 I cleaned out Bobby's backpack and found that he has friended the girl who is known for being naughty in school.  I thought it sweet that he is so good to her.
Bobby loves spending time at the ranch and loves seeing the puppies!

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