Tuesday, October 22, 2019

 We had a SNOW DAY in early October.  Can you believe it....we set a record and stayed home from work and school.  Kids were pretty excited!
 Bobby has been very busy in his accelerated classes.  He wrote this poem and even included a picture of his favorite country singer (Blake Shelton).  I didn't believe he wrote it at first since the words he used were so big.  Both of the kids teachers commented when we visited at parent/teacher conferences about how the kids use big words and are very articulate.  I think they get that from their writer mommy.

 Bobby spent some time out at the ranch with grandpa learning about the land, animals and farming.  His teacher told us that he often connects his learning in class to the MANY diverse life experiences he has including his time out at the ranch.
 Pastries with Parents 2019....it is always fun to meet the kids' friends and have a quick breakfast.

The kids did SO WELL this first quarter of the year in school.  All of their test scores are surpassing what they need at the end of the year.  Bobby's scores are almost doubled.  Both kids excel at math but they really are rockstars with reading.  Bobby has been reading to Robb every night out of a baseball book he loves and Emmy enjoys graphic novels.  We buy a lot of books!

Emmy and I had a Fargo girls' trip.  We got stuck in Jamestown for a while with a flat tire but we made the best of it and ate ice cream for dinner while we waited for our tire to get fixed.  The tires were expensive but we were glad to get back on the road.

 Our hotel breakfasts were really good and we met up with some friends too for lunch.
 We ran into another friend while shoe shopping!
 Emmy got some fake earrings and tried to trick her dad (didn't work).  She did fool her brother though for  a minute.
 We reserved our seats at Malificent and loved the movie.  Even better were the recliner seats with the removable console.  We cuddled up and enjoyed the show.
 We did have cupcakes for breakfast and rolled ice cream for dinner one day.  The weather was perfect for browsing the downtown shops.  We held hands and just enjoyed our time together!

 Emmy was excited to try rolled ice cream.  This was our last stop before heading home and it did not disappoint!

 My fashionista with an outfit she put together on our trip.

While we were away the boys were hunting.  Bobby shot his first turkey and squirrel.  He tried the turkey last night but thought Robb had "overcooked it."  The boys had a great time together while we were away!

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