Thursday, February 27, 2020

Lots of happenings!

 Valentines day - I felt very lucky to have these two sweet Roberts in my life!  Bobby could not be kinder or more thoughtful. He wrote a very nice card to his girlfriend Keira.  She got him this red teddy bear and took him out for ice cream that night as well.  They are just adorable!

 Emmy got a hat trick in her last hockey tournament.  We were so proud of her hard work out there!  Her hockey team also played Fargo which happens to be a team my college girlfriend (Heather Snowden) coaches.  Her daughter plays on the team and they often were faced off against each other.  It was so much fun to see them out there together!

 Emmy has been spending a lot of time with her hockey girlfriends.  I took them to Orange Leaf one day as part of a play date we hosted.

Bobby and Emmy are doing SO well in school.  Both of them in the top percentages of the nation in test scores.  Bobby loves the challenges of his talented and gifted math and reading.  He also did a project on Klipspringers and made one in clay.  He taught other kids in his class some tricks he learned on powerpoint for their presentations and his teacher told me he often helps others.  The kids' teachers told us that our kids are kind and make friends easily.  This warmed my heart.  Intelligence is a great gift but using your talents to serve others and demonstrating kindness is what God asks us to do here on Earth.  I'm proud that the kids are good humans!

Emmy and her friend Madi went out for lunch one day with Robb and Bobby.  Emmy has such sweet friends to hang out with.

 I officially and successfully defended my dissertation research.  I'm in the home stretch now.  I comp test to take and some final edits to my dissertation to complete.  That EdD is in sight!

Emmy had her last Centennial music program and it was rock n roll themed (Hence the outfit).  She loves to sing and act and hopes to do more of this in middle school.

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