Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Bobby sure enjoys Grandma Launa's pumpkin bars.  Emmy and I had a girls' lunch and enjoyed some sushi.

Emmy went to a Halloween birthday party with her hockey friends and they dressed as M & Ms.  Bobby stayed in with us and we watched a movie together and ordered pizza.  Halloween looked a bit different for us all since we are still pretty much in lock down during this pandemic.

Robb and I dressed as one of our favorite friend couples for Halloween.  We got together with 2 other couples to have some adult time.  They had some trouble getting my wine open and had to use a lot of tools and teamwork but they did get me some wine that night.  We have been gathering in smaller groups but avoiding being out at bars and gathering in larger groups to prevent the spread of the pandemic.  Our family has stayed very healthy this year which is a huge blessing.
Bobby's test scores indicate that he is in the 95-99th percentile for everything (math, reading, etc).  He finds other ways to challenge himself at school through writing reports and stories to role play with friends.  We are proud of him!  Emmy's parent-teacher conferences were also great.  Her school is hybrid which is so challenging (only 2 in person school days) but she has hung in there.  She gets her work done and had great test scores.  She has made the most of the experience.  This week the Governor shut down extracurriculars which many were upset about.  I'm helping a friend organize a protest this Saturday and writing letters.  We have to advocate for the mental and physical wellness of our children.
I presented at the ELC conference virtually.  It was a stressful, but successful experience for me.  We live in a different world right now and flexibility is key.


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