Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Road trip to Grand Forks

The Eckerts had a weekend getaway in Grand Forks.  Emmy had 4 hockey games.  They won two and all were close games.  Emmy had a couple more amazing goals.  She got the puck right through the goalie's legs.  One was a breakaway down the ice.  She is such a fun player to watch.  She and Robb needed to head to the rink early each game and so Bobby and I took those opportunities to head to Olive Garden for dinner.  We ate the same things (butter noodles for him with a side of broiled shrimp, salad, breadsticks, glass of wine for me), we sat at the same exact booth and discovered a shared love of trivia.  We laughed SO HARD while playing trivia together.  We played a game where we gave each other clues.  The person I was trying to get him to guess was Kanye West.  I told him it was the person married to Kim Kardashian that was also a rapper.  He yelled out, "Uber!"  I told him Uber is a ride share!  He explained that he meant Usher....still not the right person but it did make more sense.  We just really enjoyed each other.  Bobby also made sure to complete the suvey for our waitress adn provided a glowing review and recommendation each night.  Emmy and I were shopping buddies as well.  She told me she wanted a band T-shirt and found a NSync shirt on sale.  I asked if she knew who that band was or what they sang.  She told me she didn't but just wanted a band shirt.  I sang the "Bye, bye, bye" song for her for a couple verses and then a few minutes later that exact song came on over the speaker system at the store.  What a coincidence! What a story!  Needless to say, she bought the shirt.

On the way home from Grand Forks Bobby pulled out 3 loose teeth!  He told me the new teeth were actually starting to grow in underneath the new teeth and there were no roots for the old teeth but he imagined that he just hadn't pulled them out yet because he hadn't sat down long enough to make time for it.

 Grandma Launa and Grandpa Kelly were in town for the cattle sale and Bobby got to go with.  The cows sold high and Grandpa and Grandma were generous enough to share the profits with their grandkids.  College funds are growing!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Surviving the cold snap

The weather turned COLD this month.  Negative 30 almost every day.  We stay inside and play sports which is fun for us and keeps us warm.
Bobby has had a few basketball tournaments.  He is enjoying his team, learning a lot, improving his skills.
He sleeps hard on those weekends and still enjoys sleeping in my bed.  Poor Robb hits the guest bedroom once every two weeks. Bobby loves to wear the hats his Grandma Candy made to school each day.  He tells me they are the softest and best hats and that he gets to remember her by wearing the hats.

Emmy has been doing so well in hockey.  I'm proud of her hard work and positive attitude.  She had 1-2 goals per game last tourney.

My sweet Bobby loves his gifted and talented teacher.  He tells me she is the best teacher he has ever had.  He is great at writing gratitude notes and being appreciative of others.  One morning he had a gift card (his own gift card he re-gifted to me) and a heart warming card ready for me.  It was a day maker and I thought it so kind that he was unselfish and wanted to give me his very own gift card for DQ.  He insisted I not use it to buy him ice cream.  I told him that would be so hard because he is one of my favorite people to go out for ice cream with.

Emmy scored this fantastic goal against Moorhead!  I love being her hockey mom!