Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Surviving the cold snap

The weather turned COLD this month.  Negative 30 almost every day.  We stay inside and play sports which is fun for us and keeps us warm.
Bobby has had a few basketball tournaments.  He is enjoying his team, learning a lot, improving his skills.
He sleeps hard on those weekends and still enjoys sleeping in my bed.  Poor Robb hits the guest bedroom once every two weeks. Bobby loves to wear the hats his Grandma Candy made to school each day.  He tells me they are the softest and best hats and that he gets to remember her by wearing the hats.

Emmy has been doing so well in hockey.  I'm proud of her hard work and positive attitude.  She had 1-2 goals per game last tourney.

My sweet Bobby loves his gifted and talented teacher.  He tells me she is the best teacher he has ever had.  He is great at writing gratitude notes and being appreciative of others.  One morning he had a gift card (his own gift card he re-gifted to me) and a heart warming card ready for me.  It was a day maker and I thought it so kind that he was unselfish and wanted to give me his very own gift card for DQ.  He insisted I not use it to buy him ice cream.  I told him that would be so hard because he is one of my favorite people to go out for ice cream with.

Emmy scored this fantastic goal against Moorhead!  I love being her hockey mom!


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