Tuesday, August 17, 2021

White water rafting in Big Sky

What an amazing time we had rafting.  We suited up in our wet suits and AJ (our guide in the back) gave us a quick lesson on rowing.  There were some challenging areas to row through and we didn't do the best at following directions.  Grandpa spent much of his time ducking so that Bobby could get wet.

Somehow we managed to get stuck on a huge rock.  Our raft was literally suspended there until another raft came blasting through and hit us so that we were dislodged off the rock.  AJ told us in all his years of rafting (11 total) he had "actually never had that happen before."  Wow, happy to be the first in something.  He had asked us to try to reach the level of Viking War ship but by the time this happened he stopped asking us to try to reach that goal and was showing some signs of exasperation.  He said, "Remember when I told you to follow directions and row really hard when I told you to?"  LONG PAUSE  "Yeah, what happened there then?"  No answer was given from the rowers.

Bobby lost his paddle in the water......then we almost lost Bobby.  I grabbed the paddle, Robb grabbed onto Bobby.  AJ wasn't impressed but we sure did laugh.

Emmy probably had the most animated facial expressions of us all.

I started to tease our fearless leader (from our raft side) about his inability to focus and follow directions.  I can't say it made him any more willing to take directions from AJ, but again......we had some great laughs.  What great sports my parents were for doing this with us!

 We survived and enjoyed the entire trip!!  My mom took a half naked tumble in the locker room trying to get out of the wetsuit.  I tried to help her up with my pants half off.  We were quite the spectacle.  My dad hit the bus driver in the head taking off his helmet.  Bobby got hangry on the bus ride back to basecamp.  All in all.....job well done.

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