Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Thanksgiving time

Bobby's school picture this fall had him looking very sharp!  He chose this outfit on his own and told me that his class has nicknamed him "The President" and he has several security now that assist him during the day.
Bobby has been enjoying traveling basketball.  Coach Ty is great with the boys and delivers lots of great knowledge from the bench.
Robb and Bobby have been doing some great hunting.  They made their own deer summer sausage, meat, sausage.  It's been a big hit at parties!
I love one on one time with my girl.  She is having an easier year this year at St. Mary's in comparison to last year.  She is managing to get through lots of girl drama and has shown resilience while still being the nicest girl I know.  I'm proud of my creative, smart, caring girl and we snuck away to have some frozen yogurt this day together.

We've got our tree up and decorated.  I love Christmas!  The kids decorate the tree full of their homemade and chosen ornaments throughout the year.
We got to celebrate Thanksgiving with family.  We are very blessed to live near each other so we can have these memories together.

The kids always love to decorate their gingerbread houses....but I think they like to eat them even more.

I've got a new workout buddy who is now old enough to be in the YMCA gym.  We did our workout then practiced our basketball moves originally taught by Grandpa Kelly.  Bobby is a fun student, always interested in learning.  He never gives up nor runs out of energy.

Bobby's team got 3rd place in the tournament they played last weekend.  They won 2 of 3 games.  The games were hard fought and they boys have improved so much!
I made a goal to hit 1,000 miles this year and I was able to reach it before the year was up.  I imagine I will get closer to 1,075 by the time 2021 is complete!

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