Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Fall sports begin!

Bobby scored his first touchdown, blocked his QB for another touchdown and got his first team win (1st game as well) this season.  He told me he is bigger, stronger, more confident playing football this year.
Last weekend Bobby got his first touchdown in a morning football game, score two goals in soccer and had two assists in the soccer game.....then headed out to the ranch and got his doe with his bow and arrow.  He had a great day!!  He has had two soccer games and was a lead scoring player in both.

Homecoming week means the kids get to dress up daily.  This day was Country OR country club.  Guess who is country or country club?
Grandma had her 70th birthday this month and we celebrated at Kobe's.  She got all the grandkids in a picture.

We enjoyed a boat ride and a fun afternoon with friends.  We are blessed with many great friendships!
Bobby and I love to make pear pie.  We made another one the other weekend that turned out great.  Bobby was making the crumble for the top crust and asked if he could sample the crumble.  When I looked over at him it was clear he already had sampled the top crust.  Crumbs all over his face!!

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