Sunday, June 4, 2023

Evenings on the ship

Many nights the adults would stay up and enjoy dancing, drinks, time together.  Grandpa Kelly became very popular as the older ladies marveled at his dance moves.  One night an older lady came over to tell him how great he was at dancing. Chad tried to get the older lady and dad to dance but grandpa Kelly turned it on him and convinced the lady that Chad was actually the person she should convince to dance.  She did not give up after that and insisted Chad dance with her. Chad tried to pull Stacy out there with him but she was not buying it.

Robb had my mom as a partner and Chad and his new friend had a great time dancing to "Uptown Funk."

Tina Turner passed away while we were on the trip and near Switzerland where she had lived. Mom and I went to a Tina concern when I was in college and loved it.  When a Tina song came on we felt like we had to dance to her honor!


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