Saturday, July 29, 2023

In other news.....

We have enjoyed lots of bike rides, park lunches (at Bismarket), ice cream stops along the bike ride. I love spending time with the kids and they are now such great bike riders that we can go anywhere pretty quickly.

Bobby and Robb surprised me with this shirt!

Emmy wrote me a note of support when I was having a busy week at work. We survived our 10 year accreditation visit (4 days of being grilled non stop and criticized by strangers who insisted we needed better assessment methods and that I needed to start causing a fuss with administration since we are all overworked and underpaid. It was really frustrating, exhausting and I'm very glad that is over. Work can be hard....but my family was always there at night to support and love me.

 Bobby has had many baseball weekends and sleepovers this summer which have resulted in some rare nap sightings.

Showing off on the water!


Fourth of July at the cabin!!

We enjoyed the 4th of July on our deck, as we usually do, watching fireworks while cuddling. The 3rd of July was also spent as part of a the Moldenhauer Lake Cabin!
Emmy has a friend who also has a lake cabin and they met up to enjoy some fun together.

Winners of the bean bag toss!

We enjoyed some swimming and skiing fun on the water.

Uncle Chad helped Emmy surf! It took many tries but she was determined and she did it!! Bobby got back on skis with no trouble at all.


Praise band


Emmy's July!

Emmy joined the Praise Band at church. She has sang a few times in church service and practiced a few times with the band. The courage it takes to do this at her age.....she is simply amazing! She shared her singing talent so generously and beautifully. I love to listen to her singing up there. 

We love our sushi and ramen!

Emmy was featured on the YMCA camp with some of her friends!

While Bobby and Robb were in Duluth, I was a hockey mom taking Emmy to her multiple hockey games. She played on a team for CHS!! It was exciting to see her in the CHS uniform and the team ended up getting 1st place. Emmy played great and made some new friends.

 Emmy has also been enjoying some time out at the ranch!

Duluth tourney - wrapping up baseball season 2023

Bucket buddies!

 Bobby's team got 3rd place in their final tourney. His friendships got stronger and he got better each month. Coach Eric and Coach Schoch said he was one of the most improved players.

Bobby has some great plays (including dunking his dad in the dunk tank), Emmy sings a beautiful National Anthem


Naturals Border Battle

 ND won the Border Battle with a little help from the Naturals.  Bobby played great and Robb represented at the Dunk tank.  They made a lot of money for charity and had a great time!