Saturday, July 1, 2023

Omaha and a 44th birthday

The boys took 5th place and played really well in a Omaha tourney. They lost two games to some Nebraska all start teams.  Bobby hit his FIRST EVER HOME RUN on my birthday. He celebrated with his friends the 3 run homer and then came out to give me a big hug yelling "Happy birthday mom, there's your home run" A few of the hugs he game me left me with eye black on my face which I didn't realize until later. The weather was hot, humid the 3 days we played. Bobby also was pitching against one of the all star teams and got an 80 mph ball hit straight into his nut cup. He dropped to the ground instantly but instead of breaking down and crying he reached over to find the ball on the ground and from his knees threw the ball to 1st to get the out. He then collapsed in pain back to the ground. He took a bit of time to recover then got up and struck the next kid out and finished the inning without a run.  The coach from the other team even came over to our bench to say to our coaches, "Can we all just take a moment to acknowledge that this kid got that out after being hit like that?"  When Bobby recovered he came out to give me a reassuring hug knowing that I would be a mess after watching my sweetheart get hit in such a painful place.

The boys also won the Skill Challenge for their age group which consisted of a bunt content, base running, around the horn for the infield and outfield. They made no mistakes!

We also timed this tourney with the college World Series. Wake Forest and LSU played in the semifinals while we were there. It was fun to watch and the boys were right there on the field with the players. The college players played rock, paper, scissors with the boys, signed autographs, took selfies and the boys got on camera a few times too.
We enjoyed some time with our friends!


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