Monday, August 14, 2023

Family time before school starts

We wanted to take a family trip to the zoo this past weekend. It had been a long time since our last visit to the zoo. When the kids were young we had a family membership and the zoo was a weekly trip.  Emmy and I rode our bikes down there to meet the boys. We had many laughs during our time at the zoo.  Bobby was aggressively milking the fake cow and I told him it brought back bad memories of our nursing experience when he was a baby.  I caught a picture of Emmy busting out in laughter along with her brother (who stopped being so tough on that poor fake cow).

Emmy thinks ALL animals are cute....even those that aren't so cute (like the huge pigs). Here she is making friends with a Wallaby.  We remembered that this Tiger stalked Bobby as a baby and that I was worried that he wanted to eat my baby!

We visited our friend's lemonade stand and made sure to support their endeavor.  The kids and I walked to the park to buy some lemonade and then we met up with Grandma Launa to go to some rummage sales around our neighborhood.

Boston and Bobby had their open house to drop off their school supplies. I took Emmy to her volleyball open gym which meant that Dad was giving this ride which included a stop at Cold Stone for ice cream.

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