Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Game Day USA baseball

We took a Thanksgiving trip to Florida so Bobby and the Schoch boys could participate in Gameday USA's baseball camp and tournament. They were the only players from ND but they represented so well. All three boys made the all-tournament team. Bobby and Boston's coach said, "Who would've thought my best two players would be from ND." Many parents came up to Robb and I and told us that they were impressed by how Bobby could hit the ball and that his fielding was effortless. He also pitched really well (no runs scored or hit). He had a double play that was exciting to see. Most importantly he was a great teammate and made many new friends. His coach said to him...."You are a BALL PLAYER!!" The boys made so many fun memories and gained confidence playing the sport they love.

Bobby's coach played in the MLB as a pitcher for 13 years! He was a really great guy and he loved his two ND baseball players.

Bobby's teammates nominated him to coach 1st base. He enjoyed his new role on the team.
Bobby pitching
Gameday USA instagram post
On the first day of the tournament, the kids rotated to all spots. Then, on day two when they played for placements in the tourney, the coach got to put the boys where he thought they should be in order to have a competitive team. Bobby started at shortstop and Boston at catcher. Bobby was lead off batter and Boston #2. Bobby had 4 hits (one was a double), 2 walks, and one strike out for the tourney.

Boston warming up Bobby for the field.

 All tournament selection awards

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