Thursday, February 1, 2024

January 2024

The kids have been doing really well academically. They are both so darn smart....just struggle to get all the work turned in and done on time periodically. Staying organizing is a challenge! 

Bobby got all A and Bs except for in English but knows he can do better in spring semester and is capable of all As. He got put into advanced math next year because he has a 96 grade in math along with testing in 98th percentile. He is so blessed with brains and we know he can live up to his full potential once he gets on top of the organization. 

Emmy got straight As, one B+ and then a darn C+ in Science. I wouldn't be one to make excuses for grades but that Science teacher is a real challenge for not just Emmy. I did not enjoy my parent teacher meeting with her and felt the grade may be more reflective of her inability to manage the classroom vs Emmy's science ability. Emmy has a full load of classes and keeps up with Jazz Choir and multiple sports that take her out of class often. She made the State Honor Choir and is off to Fargo this weekend and tonight will be playing on the varsity CHS hockey team in Williston (getting home at 2 am). She is managing all this fairly well and we are so impressed with her.

Bobby worked so hard in tryouts to make the A1 team along with 7 other kids. He played on this team a week and it was clear only 5 kids were going to get playing time with the couple others getting 1-5 minutes total per game. This was not ideal but he still wanted to stay A1 so he could play with his close friends. The next week his coach moved him to A2. This was a sad night for Bobby and he felt at first this was terrible news for his season. A few games later and we can clearly see that this was a blessing. He plays the entire game (often doesn't sit out at all) as point guard for A2. He scores 8-12 points per game and gets lots of experience. He has fun and has the opportunity to be a leader. We are proud of him for facing this challenge, navigating the difficulty of being disappointed but then turning the page and looking for the opportunity. God is good and he gave Bobby strength and guidance (as did his parents). A few days ago Bobby asked if he and I could sit and talk together. He told me he was so grateful for me and how I always help him get through challenges and hard times. He told me he feels I am always understanding and love him no matter what. He felt like he was now appreciative for the struggle he went through and that he loves me so much.  Those words are everything to me. I feel pain like no other when the kids are sad and hurt. I would do anything for them and will always put them first. Bobby is so sweet to share his heart like that and I could not be more proud that he belongs to us.

Oh our little star!!! I got to see Emmy at Jazz Fest sing with her choir. They were on the U Mary campus last week for the day. They sang 3 songs and one was the song that Emmy sings a long solo and duet in. She was AMAZING! I cannot believe how poised and confident she is on stage sharing her talent. I had chills as I watched from the front row. After they were done the judges provide feedback to the group. She got a free tea at the coffee shop when she showed my faculty card.....that made her and I feel pretty special. She also made a heart shape with her hands from on stage while acknowledging me and gave me a big hug afterwards. She has been advocating for herself well as a new freshman on the hockey team and is always staying positive and working hard. She is little but she is mighty!!

 Emmy bought us matching Mother Mary necklaces and we got a chance to wear them today. These are the pictures we sent to each other. I love being Emmy's mom. I know for a fact that God loves me so much because he blessed me with getting to be Bobby and Emmy's parent. I also have a terrific partner in Robb who is always there for whatever the kids or I need. Team Eckert for life!

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