Friday, April 5, 2024

Bobby's P.R. in the mile

 Bobby has not been able to make time to get to track practices since he is in two sports right now with baseball being a favorite. He has wanted to jump into whatever track meets he can. Yesterday he ran the mile (with no training) and got 6th place! He got a personal record of 6 minutes 9 seconds. He felt he could have kicked it in sooner and improved his placement since he was within 4 seconds of 3rd, 4th, and 5th place. He ran conservatively since he didn't know how he would do. We were very proud of him for giving his best effort, running a P.R., and sticking with track even during a busy baseball season.

Emerson Eckert is 15 years old

 We celebrated Emmy with a special dinner on her 15th birthday. She is smart, kind, talented, and beautiful. There is no limit to where she will go and what she can do. I'm so grateful to be her mom.

WDA vocal competition

 Emmy sang a beautiful solo (in Italian). She had NO practice or run throughs with her vocal teacher who played piano to accompany her. I couldn't believe she could handle that type of pressure especially considering her teacher had not played through the song. Her voice and notes were perfect. The judge told her she needed to stay in character and be sad throughout the song. Emmy had looked over to me with a big smile during a time the piano was playing. Whoopsie! The judge had her go through the song again emphasizing a different word this time. Emmy took the feedback and hit the note perfectly and incorporated the feedback. It is CRAZY what she can do with her voice and she has such poise. The room was packed full of her friends and some classmates who just came to listen to her because she is so great at singing. I was very proud of her as was her dad in attendance (front row)! She found out the next day that she made it to the state competition with her qualifying score. She is a freshman going to state which is VERY rare.


Bobby got asked to play in a 3 on 3 tournament. It was 7th and 8th grade teams and his team was the only team of 7th graders. Bobby always volunteers to guard the best player on the other team.....height making no difference in this choice. He is never outmatched because work ethic and effort is his strength!
Emmy got her braces off!! We once again get to see her beautiful brace free smile.
Easter was a joyous celebration. I love my family so very much and we are grateful that He is risen!

I did some work out on campus over a weekend to welcome new students. Bobby created a new business card for me while I was away. I like this business card much better than my "official" one.