Friday, April 5, 2024

WDA vocal competition

 Emmy sang a beautiful solo (in Italian). She had NO practice or run throughs with her vocal teacher who played piano to accompany her. I couldn't believe she could handle that type of pressure especially considering her teacher had not played through the song. Her voice and notes were perfect. The judge told her she needed to stay in character and be sad throughout the song. Emmy had looked over to me with a big smile during a time the piano was playing. Whoopsie! The judge had her go through the song again emphasizing a different word this time. Emmy took the feedback and hit the note perfectly and incorporated the feedback. It is CRAZY what she can do with her voice and she has such poise. The room was packed full of her friends and some classmates who just came to listen to her because she is so great at singing. I was very proud of her as was her dad in attendance (front row)! She found out the next day that she made it to the state competition with her qualifying score. She is a freshman going to state which is VERY rare.

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