Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June continued

Bobby has made friends with kids that are a year older and they came for some swimming time one afternoon. One has a license and another played him in hoops. This kid is older and A LOT taller!! Bobby is not intimidated and it was fun to watch him play this giant in our driveway.
Biscuit is spoiled with toys, treats, and a new bed. We LOVE this sweet girl and she is worth all the spoiling as she has stolen all our hearts.
Robb taught Bobby how to do over easy eggs and Bobby has been making his own gourmet breakfast daily now. Rice, bacon, and lots of eggs have become his daily now and he is really into making his own meals. 
Biscuit loves to cuddle in between Bobby's legs and lay on his blanket.
Emmy had a sleepover with Katherine and they got to ride horse.

Biscuit LOVES pup cups (mostly whipped cream but Caribou adds a few dog biscuits) and since I love coffee she gets pup cups almost daily. Again, she is so spoiled because we just love her.

Emmy helped grandma plant flowers out at the ranch. She also picked wildflowers for me and brought them home. She spent time with Cassie and also met up with all her animal friends. She loves the ranch and being outdoors. She is also spending time training in the early morning for hockey and then practices pole vault in the afternoon most days. Bobby has a basketball camp this week but also does weight training daily and then baseball practice most days.


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