Friday, August 13, 2010

New daycare

Today I spent a couple hours at the new daycare I am going to go to when mom goes back to work Monday. I didn't even notice when mom left and when dad came to get me I made a big fuss about leaving daycare. I really had fun there with the new toys and friends. The ladies who watched me there told dad that I was a really smart baby (not that my parents didn't already think that), very social and outgoing and definitely extremely talkative. They said I was happy and content the entire time and seemed to have a great time. This made mom really smile. I think mom is going to really miss me next week and is having a difficult time knowing that we don't get to hang out as much for a while. When I got home I read mom some books. The book I liked to read to her best tonight was about how to pray. Sounds like a good idea to me!

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