Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I love opening gifts

While we were at the ranch we opened more gifts. I loved the opening gifts part so much that I hardly had time to really look at the actual presents. I have a whole new wardrobe thanks to Auntie Stacy, Uncle Chad and Mas and my Grandparents! Literally mom and dad took home a huge garbage sack full of new outifts for Bobby and for me. I have lots of new toys, my own computer, new dolls...the list goes on. Mom and dad made sure I got a new little baby Belle which I've been taking care of very well. Bobby got great toys too. I helped Bobby open up his gifts since he is still a baby...mom thought I helped him a little too agressively and had to remind me to slow down and let Bobby help open his gifts. I have been doing really well with sharing with Bobby and I always make sure he has something fun to play with. Mom and Dad have both noticed that no matter what toy I am playing with that same toy seems to be the one that Bobby wants to play with. Once I am done playing with the toy it doesn't seem as cool to Bobby. He is an ornery one! Mom says he is just like dad. He walks everywhere now and has gotten pretty attached to mom. Sometimes he doesn't want to share mom either!

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