Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Xmas Eve at Grandma Candy and Grandpa Bob's house!

You may wonder why Bobby is only wearing a diaper in this picture? Bobby is a good eater but still likes to spit up about a 1/3 of his meal on his clothes and on mom and/or dad from time to time. He had some issues with this on Xmas Eve and dad and his clothes ended up in the wash. Luckily, Bobby has a cute little chubby baby body that he doesn't mind showing off. As he gets older he may not be so comfortable...but this year he was flaunting it!

Xmas Even we went to my grandparents house. I got so many awesome gifts. Auntie Amber got me a gift of dress up princess outfits and I was so proud to be snow white. Bobby got some great gifts too. We got a big red wagon to share from our Grandparents. We took a ride! I played with my cousin Andrew while I was there and enjoyed my new Dora doll that my grandparents got for me.

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