Friday, August 8, 2014

More summer fun

The weather wasn't the best earlier this week so we took the opportunity to go to the Heritage Center one more time.  The kids always have fun there and are pretty animated.  Bobby will say, "mom you are never gone believe this, it is really awesome" while he leads me to another exhibit.  Emmy gets a laugh out of listening to the Indian language that comes on when you push a button.


 We had one more trip to the amusement park this week.  We all rode the rides and the kids really had fun. I packed up a picnic to eat outside. The kids requested cold pizza and that was easy enough to accommodate.  This week I also bought Emmy her kindergarten school supplies which she was very excited about.  I cried once this week already thinking about what a big step in her life this is......she is ready but it is just a very big moment for all of us.  Robb took a picture of a special time I've really enjoyed this summer.  The kids always sneak into my bed while Robb is getting ready and before they have to get ready for school.  We spend about 10 minutes cuddling together in bed before I help them get ready.  It is one of my favorite summer memories!

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