Saturday, August 16, 2014

summer is ending :(

I took Emmy to get her new kindergarten kicks.  She REALLY wanted Skechers shoes and has been asking for a very long time for these shoes.  They were on sale and she found the perfect pair that light up when you step.  She was very excited about them.
 We had the Lundeen family over for grilling and swimming.  We all had a great time - adults and kids.
 Grandma Launa and Grandpa Kelly helped the kids start their college fund this week as well.  Bobby told everyone he is planning to go to Ninja school and even showed his audience some moves he has been working on.  Emmy wants to be a fairy princess mermaid and animal trainer.  I'm not sure what college has those degrees but at least they will have the college money to pay for it.
We have been swimming in the afternoon, evening and whenever possible!  The kids love it.  Emmy tells Bobby exactly how to play pretend with her.  On this night they were playing that Emmy was a school teacher and Bobby  her student.

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