Monday, September 28, 2015

Pumpkin Patch and Bible ceremony at church

Emmy received her first Bible from our church.  She is a great reader now and Robb and Emmy practice every night with the homework she is sent home from Mrs. Reim.  She loves to read and now she can read more about the Lord.  Robb and I got to go up to the front for the ceremony and she held onto us so tight with a big smile on her face.  When she got her Bible she hugged it to her chest. She was the only kid who thanked the Reverend and then told each of us she loved us very much.  I was so happy, proud and felt so blessed that we get to have this little person in our lives.  Robb escorted her class to the pumpkin patch last Friday.  She had fun posing for pictures with her friend Payton.  We also did some family swimming yesterday afternoon - it is late in the year for swimming but we are so glad to have the warm days to enjoy our pool!

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