Monday, September 14, 2015

This week in the life of the Eckerts

 Emmy had her first soccer game.  Robb is the coach and it is hard to keep Emmy motivated to stay in the game.  She had an injury (several) and seemed to like the goalie position where she could just stand in one spot during the game better than running back in forth.  Once she realized I had snacks she was pretty focused on me and my bag of snacks.  Bobby did cheer for his sister which I thought was adorable.  Later that day we went to the Apple Dash.  Bobby and Emmy ran so hard in the hot sun.  They were in the front of the pack and ran over and under obstacles in the half mile course.  Emmy got a side ache and Bobby was overheated but still they ran and finished. I was very proud of their efforts.  They also got their hair sprayed colors and their faces painted.  We celebrated with frozen yogurt and then headed to the pool.

 We also started Sunday school this past weekend.  The kids are in different classrooms but both had a great time in class and got some root beer floats at the end of the time.
I noticed a rainbow outside one morning as Emmy and I got ready for work/school.  She was SO excited, she loves nature.  This Monday morning we started the day off right with a Starbucks breakfast.  It is expensive and not very healthy but Emmy's smiling face makes this a special treat for us on the way to take her to school.   I love my time with her.

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