Monday, June 20, 2016

Wedding dance fun and a stop in Fargo

 We headed to Fergus Falls this past weekend for Robb's cousin's wedding.  Bobby was a dancing King out there and couldn't wait to get started.  He and I hokey pokied, chicken danced, slow danced, fast danced.  He loved it.  It took a few songs to get Emmy out there. 

Bobby really wanted to dance with Emerson, in fact he told me he had saved his first dance for her.  Unfortunately Emmy wasn't ready to dance when the first song came on but once we all got warmed up she joined him and had a great time!

 One of the sweetest moments of the weekend came when this little girl grabbed Bobby's hands and started dancing with him.  He looked surprised and happy to oblige her.  She definitely led the dance and in between dances she gave him hugs.  He was so kind to her and I was so proud of my little gentleman!

 Babies and little girls LOVE Emmy and she loves to play and entertain them.  It was so much fun to see the kids be kind to other kids, they were a hit at the dance.  I really enjoyed the family time with them.  Around 10:00 Bobby climbed into my lap and told me he was ready to sleep so we headed back to the hotel room for a family sleepover.  Both kids wanted to sleep with me but I rarely sleep with Bobby because he is a wiggly sleeper and I'm a light sleeper.  I lasted a couple hours before I asked Robb to switch spots with me, slept for a few hours and then sneakily got back into bed with Bobby before he woke up.

 On the way home we stopped in Fargo and played at an indoor park.  Bobby was soaked with sweat!  We then headed to lunch at Chucky Cheese.   Hard to say who enjoyed the games more the kids or Robb and I.  Bobby is very lucky and good at most games, some we teamed up in to score more tickets and that was a blast.  In the end we definitely wore out Emmy who slept part of the way home.....not Bobby though!

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