Monday, May 20, 2024

May 2024

Emmy had an amazing Choir awards night. She was recognized for her numerous achievements in Choir this year. She won so many awards that she could hardly hold them for the picture. We are VERY proud of the year she has had. She has maximized her gifts and talents and there is no end in sight for what she might accomplish with her passion for singing.

Emmy also was one of few freshmen that lettered in a varsity sport. She achieved her letter in hockey and we all attended the Saints sports banquet. What an amazing accomplishment for our Emmy!

Bobby went to his first middle school dance. He had a girl he liked there to dance with (twice). He told us that the other kids circle around him and Chloe when they dance together and watch them. He didn't seem to mind the spotlight and instead was just happy to have his first dance and a girl there that he thinks is cute. He had a really fun time with his many good friends.

End of Season baseball tournament in Beulah. We lost the first game on a Friday night (against Mason's team Shiloh) but came back the next day to score a BIG win (10 runned the other team) against a team that had beat Shiloh in a game that took place after Shiloh beat us. 

We had to wait quite a while in between our games so some of us took in the great town of Beulah. We had pizza and drinks at the Night Owl, then visited the one boutique in town. My parents were there all day watching Shiloh and the Saints so they came along. We ended up having to play the other Saints team for 3/4th. The other Saints team beat up on us pretty bad that final game but the boys had so much fun and Bobby did well this tournament.

We had the entire team and parents over on the day after the tournament for pool, pizza, and fun. It was a great afternoon and the we enjoyed meeting a new group of parents and kids. Bobby has become good friends with all the 8th grade boys and it is fun to see him have another group of great kids to hang out with. One of the 8th graders happens to be the Principal's son. I read a text from Bobby to Mr. Bichler where Bobby told him he admires and looks up to his son as a role model and enjoys spending time with him. This sounds like a nice message but it had a clear ulterior motive. Thomas Bichler (8th grader) wanted his dad (principal) to let him have Bobby and a few friends over to hang out. Bobby's message was to encourage his principal to allow the play date. Mr. Bichler responded to the text "You don't need to butter me up Bobby, I'm not a piece of bread." It was a funny conversation to read for sure!

A double rainbow at our house....God is everywhere!

Biscuit is such a funny puppy. She does not like walks....mostly because she never wants to leave home or any one of our family members. She protests pretty hardcore for the first few blocks. Then relents when she recognizes that we are quite a ways from home. When we reach a point (and it doesn't matter which walking route we take) that we have a mile to get back home, she runs the entire distance back to our front step. It is crazy that she has all walking routes memorized but she always follows this same pattern when we go for walks.
Biscuit mourns the exit of every family member that leaves the house. This includes sitting by door, whining, say puppy face and at times barking at door. She needs to know where we all are in the house and hates for anyone to have to leave her.

Robb got a nap in with his buddy!

Grandma Launa bought Emmy some sparkle hair threads.

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