Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June memories

Emmy sang the National Anthem and Canadian anthem to start off Bobby's Bismarck baseball tournament. She sang beautifully and had to learn the Canadian anthem that same day. Her phone stopped playing the words and showing notes so she had to wing it with only the words (no notes). She was cool under pressure and did so well.

Bobby got sick the first day and missed the first game. He rallied and came back in the 2nd game of the evening. The Naturals got two wins that day but lost on the 2nd. Biscuit was cheering at every game. She loves naps in the shade of the chair but barks if one of the family members leaves her. She still pees if we leave and then come see her and she pees a bit for Grandma Launa. If she loves you....she pees when she sees you. That is her new thing I guess.


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