Monday, July 19, 2010

Today, grandma, mom, cousin Andrew and I went to the waterpark. We had popsicles, swam and just had a great time! When it was time to say good-bye, mom told Andrew and I to give each other a good-bye kiss and hug. We thought about it for a while and then went for it. Mom and Grandma thought it was just the cutest thing they'd ever seen. No big deal, I like giving kisses now and I even initiate it sometimes. I give all the animals in my books and my stuffed animals kisses and hugs. It is hard to hug a book, but I make it work. My other new favorite thing to do is to pretend to talk on the phone. I have a toy phone and I tell mom "phone, phone...hello Robbie or hello grandma." I am always thinking it's either grandma or Robbie since that is who mom is always on the phone with, so that is who I pretend talk with on the phone. Sometimes if I can't find my phone I talk on the remote, but mom and dad don't like that much.

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