Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hiding in small places

Today I found lots of small places around the house that I could climb inside of and hide from mom. I thought this was really fun. I found a plastic storage bin in my closet while mom was packing away my summer clothes. I told mom that I was going to go "night, night" in the plastic bin. Then I found a great place in the kitchen where I could hide from mom. Later on I found where mom keeps the tupperware and I threw them around the kitchen. I'm good at making messes but not cleaning them up. This week at daycare I was mostly good. I did bite another girl twice when she wouldn't give me the toy I wanted. Mom and I had a long talk about this and she told me we don't bite our friends. The next day the ladies at daycare told mom that all morning long I told them, "no, no, no biting today!" I did a lot of coloring at daycare this week and dad took my masterpieces to work to show off. I love to color! I talk all the time and mom thinks the things I say are really funny. Last night mom and I picked up supper at The Bistro and I heard the phone ring. "Phone call!" I told the people who worked there. Then dad had brought home some berries (my favorite) for me to have with dinner. I told mom that they were "blackberries and raspberries." When mom explained that dad had got them special for me I said to him, "Thank you Robbie, thank you Robbie!" Dad is playing softball today (or watching since the MRI confirmed that his ACL is torn) and so mom and I may go for a run this morning.

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