Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings mom makes whole wheat pancakes for dad and for me. I like blackberry jelly on my pancakes. Mom also sneaks some fruit on my plate, but I always eat the pancakes first. Mom always says that since she does the cooking on Sunday morning it is dad's job to clean me up. As you can see, dad probably has the harder job when it's all said and done. Mom also wanted me to tell you that I have some new tricks this month. I can now count to 10 on my own! I have lots of books about counting that I love to read and I like to count the fish in my "fish tank." This week at daycare after reading my report card mom and dad had a good laugh. The card said that I wake up from naps and start dancing and asking others if they would like to dance with me. I also love to play on the swings at daycare and I ask the teachers for "big pushes!" Dad and mom take turns picking me up from daycare and when I see them I run as fast as I can to get to them and get my hugs. I yell "mommy, mommy!" or "Robbie, Robbie!" when daddy comes to get me. Mom thinks this is really funny that I always call dad Robbie. That is what mom calls dad and so I guess I just get it from her. Mom thinks that at daycare they will think that dad is just her boyfriend instead of my dad since I call dad Robbie all the time. Yesterday grandma Eckert and great grandma Van took my cousin Andrew and I to the zoo. I was really brave and ran right up to the lions and bears. Andrew was nervous until he saw how comfortable I was with the lions. Then he came over and told me not to be afraid. Grandma and great grandma got a giggle out of that. Andrew and I are good friends and we like to spend time together.

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