Sunday, January 9, 2011

I love ice cream!

After going up and down the slide a bunch of times I had myself some cake and ice cream. I loved the cake until I had some ice cream and then I only wanted ice cream. Mom loves frosting and so we made a good team as we shared the cake and ice cream. Later on that night I got to go play with Mason and we had a slumber party when mom & dad went with aunt Stacy and uncle Chad out for the night. It was so much fun. Mason and I like to "roar" at each other and I tried to share my blankies with him. He has his own and so he didn't need mine I guess. Then in the morning aunt Stacy let us watch Mickey Mouse together. Mom and dad came and picked me up and then on the next day my grandparents Eckert took me to see my other cousin Andrew! After all this playing and fun I took a 4 hour nap on Sunday and then went to bed at 7:30 Sunday night. I needed to recharge!

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