Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a Happy New Year!

2011 is off to a great start. Mom and dad got Bobby's room ready. Dad made Bobby's crib and did a great job in record time (less than 1 hr). Last night was New Year's Eve and mom and dad took me to a party where I met lots of kids and played with some toys I don't have at home. They had 2 little puppies there that I loved...except they kept stealing the crackers from my hand. No worries, I just asked mommy for "more please" and did my sign language for more please that I learned at daycare. I have also been working on my manners with the help of mommy. I never burp now without saying "cuse me!" although sometimes I get confused and say "bless you." I was so excited to go to the party that it was hard for me to wait for mom and dad to get their coats on...."PARTY, PARTY!" I kept yelling. When we left the party I wished everyone there a "happy new year"
Then on the ride home mom and dad let me request the music I like to sing with. My favorites in the car include, "Twinkle, Twinkle," "Itsy, bitsy spider," "If you are happy and you know it," "muffin man" and "5 little monkeys"
I've also been having some fun teasing and playing tricks on mom and dad. Mom has been asking me who my best friend is since she always tells me that I am her best friend. Sometimes I tell her that my best friend is "Phoenix" (he is a boy who is at my daycare that I play with a lot) and sometimes I tell her that it is "MY Gavin" (mom thinks it is really funny that I emphasize MY Gavin, he is another boy I play with). Every once in a while I tell mom that she is my best friend so as not to hurt her feelings. Watch out dad, I have got some boy friends already.
Tonight I played a really funny trick on mom. I told her I wanted a "kiss on the lips" and then when she leaned in for a kiss I licked her! Then I laughed and laughed. Mom fell for this several times. Then before bedtime I called in dad to play the trick on him. I got him real good with a good lick when he expected a kiss.

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