Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mommy and Bobby have lots of conversations together

I often hear mommy and Bobby chatting away when we are home together in the afternoons. Bobby makes all kinds of noises now, giggles and gives out lots of smiles. He is 10 weeks old now and one big baby. Mom is always complaining that her back hurts because Bobby likes to be cuddled and carried all day. Bobby does not like bottles and so poor mom has to do all the feedings (and as you can tell by Bobby's size there are a lot of feedings).

This week we went over the mommy's friend Jill Stenberg's house to see their baby. I was a little confused at first and I told mommy, "Mommy, they have a Bobby too!" She told me his name was Levi and he is 3 wks old. Mom's friend has a girl named Lexi and we played together. I tried out all her toys and cooked mom some dinner in the kitchen. I like to make mommy oatmeal, pasta, hot dogs, coffee.....she always eats what I make (unlike me who rarely eat what mommy makes for dinner unless it is mac and cheese, hot dogs or anything I can dip in ketchup). I was careful to wash my hands before I cooked for mommy in Lexi's play kitchen. I also found a Minnie mouse doll that I rocked, shushed and patted to sleep then tucked in with blankets. When we were ready to leave Jill was rocking Bobby in the car seat but I did not like it - I thought maybe she was trying to take our baby! I told mommy right away and got very upset with Jill. Then I grabbed the car seat and tried to make a run for the door with our baby. I do not want anyone else to have our baby - he is OURS.

I also have been making mommy lots of "projects" at daycare. She always finds places to put them at our house and I am very proud of these projects that I make for her. I also made one for my grandparents. The first thing I say to mom when she gets me at lunchtime from daycare is, "mommy I have a project for you." This month I started going to daycare only in the mornings. I spend the rest of the day with mommy and Bobby. Mommy works from home in the mornings.

We also had a lady come test Bobby and I to tell us how smart we are. Mommy told me that the nurse said I had the language and speaking skills of a 3 yr old. Bobby and I also got high marks on the physical and comprehension tests. Yup, we are pretty smart kids!

I read to mom and dad now

Lately I like to read to mom and dad (and sometimes Bobby too). I read lots of books to them. Auntie Amber got me some new Dora the Explorer books that I like to read to my parents lately. Here in this picture dad is multi-tasking. I often like to have mom or dad hold me when they are holding Bobby - I want some attention too!

Mason gave me a ride in his truck

This past week Mason came over and picked me up for a ride in his truck! I was really excited about this ride and we went all over the neighborhood for a half an hour. Auntie Stacy also got me some cool sunglasses which I will have to get a picture of later. I had to hold on tight because sometimes Mason was a rough driver and eventually I decided that holding Auntie's hand was the safer option for me. We had a great time. I just love my cousin Mason!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Just me and my little brother

I can hold Bobby too! I like to tickle him, kiss him and talk to him. Mommy says I'm a great big sis

He plays with his toys

10 weeks old!

Bobby is 10 weeks old. He still doesn't sleep well at night but is getting better. He hates bottles but loves to eat (sorry mom)! He smiles often and giggles for mom. He tries to talk and have conversations with us. We love our brother.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Every cowgirl needs a pony

Now that Grandpa and I found a hat I decided I must have a pony. I couldn't decide what color pony I needed. At first I thought pink to match my boots and hat and then I wanted a purple pony. I decided that a black pony would be the right pony for me. Grandpa bought me my black pony and my hat and then we all went for ice cream! Me, mommy, Grandpa and great Grandma Moldenhauer. I had a rainbow colored ice cream that made my mouth blue and then I got a fruit punch drink! I was very happy with these choices. It was a great afternoon. I am now officially a cowgirl!!

Grandpa Kelly took me to the store to get my own cowboy hat! I wanted pink! I looked in every mirror I could find. There was a big one outside the dressing rooms. A girl came out to look at her jeans and I noticed that there was a mirror in her dressing room too! I ran in her room to have another look at a different mirror. I guess she wasn't finished with the room yet but I needed to get a look in that mirror. I was very excited about my new hat. Grandpa Kelly tried it on too upon my request.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Children's time during church service

Mason and I went up with our mommies for children's time. We learned about giving and were interested listeners during the lesson. At one point in the children's time I needed to get a little closer to the story so I left mom and got in close to the lady telling the story. She asked us what goes in a coffee cup. She wanted us to say water but I recognize a coffee cup when I see it and so I told her "that's for coffee!" I also recognized and participated in identifying other objects she held up. Later on when mom and dad were busy taking pictures I found a microphone up in the front of church and when grandpa Kelly asked me what I was doing I told him I was "singing and dancing!" I am a funny girl.

Bobby's baptism 5/7/11

Bobby was baptised on Saturday in our church. He was good for the service and cried for part of the ceremony. Aunt Amber, Stacy and Uncle Chad are his godparents. I wore another pretty dress and was good during church. I had to be quiet which is really hard for me and so mom kept telling me to "shhhhhhh." Mason was there too and since he is my buddy I was really excited to sit with him and later on to play with him.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mom and I are BFFs

Mom and I do a lot of special things together lately. Mom bought me some new colors of play do and we make all kinds of things together now that she, Bobby and I are home together during the daytime while dad is working. I made mom some artwork for Mother's day. She hung it on the fridge because she thought it was awesome (it was a picture of me and flowers that I colored on.) Then today we went running together. I got a ride in the jog stroller and mom pushed me. We talked about the birds, other people who ran by us, cars, planes, etc while I went for my ride. About 45 minutes in to the ride, I got tired. Mom wears me out! So mom told me I could just rest my eyes and she would finish up the trip. I woke up as we got into the driveway - good timing!

Bobby is 2 months old

Bobby is 2 months old now. Mom says he is sleeping better (up 2-3 times per night). He loves to snuggle, cuddle and be held all day. Mom and the granparents love this too but the problem is that Bobby is 14 lbs 10 oz! He is in the 96th percentile for weight (average head circumference and 25th for height at doctor's check up this week). Mom has been complaining of a backache all month. He is a great baby brother though, he talks and smiles at us all day long. I am always checking on him, tickling him and asking about him.

Emerson's first hair cut

I got my first hair cut. Here are some before, after and during photos mom took. I had a sucker while I waited and then again after I was finished with the hair cut because I was such a good girl. I sat still the whole time although I did not want to wear the cape that Marie (the hair stylist) provided for me. It was not stylish and would have covered up my pretty outfit. Mom told me that I looked beautiful in my hair cut. After this trip to the hair salon we went grocery shopping and I told mommy that the grocery store was beautiful too. Mommy always keeps a hand sanitizing gel attached to her purse and I ask often to "please sanitize mommy!" which makes anyone who hears me laugh.

Me and my dad

Mommy and daddy are my best friends. Here is dad and I dressed alike in our Bob Eckert painting sweatshirts. I wanted to pose with the hoods on.