Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mommy and Bobby have lots of conversations together

I often hear mommy and Bobby chatting away when we are home together in the afternoons. Bobby makes all kinds of noises now, giggles and gives out lots of smiles. He is 10 weeks old now and one big baby. Mom is always complaining that her back hurts because Bobby likes to be cuddled and carried all day. Bobby does not like bottles and so poor mom has to do all the feedings (and as you can tell by Bobby's size there are a lot of feedings).

This week we went over the mommy's friend Jill Stenberg's house to see their baby. I was a little confused at first and I told mommy, "Mommy, they have a Bobby too!" She told me his name was Levi and he is 3 wks old. Mom's friend has a girl named Lexi and we played together. I tried out all her toys and cooked mom some dinner in the kitchen. I like to make mommy oatmeal, pasta, hot dogs, coffee.....she always eats what I make (unlike me who rarely eat what mommy makes for dinner unless it is mac and cheese, hot dogs or anything I can dip in ketchup). I was careful to wash my hands before I cooked for mommy in Lexi's play kitchen. I also found a Minnie mouse doll that I rocked, shushed and patted to sleep then tucked in with blankets. When we were ready to leave Jill was rocking Bobby in the car seat but I did not like it - I thought maybe she was trying to take our baby! I told mommy right away and got very upset with Jill. Then I grabbed the car seat and tried to make a run for the door with our baby. I do not want anyone else to have our baby - he is OURS.

I also have been making mommy lots of "projects" at daycare. She always finds places to put them at our house and I am very proud of these projects that I make for her. I also made one for my grandparents. The first thing I say to mom when she gets me at lunchtime from daycare is, "mommy I have a project for you." This month I started going to daycare only in the mornings. I spend the rest of the day with mommy and Bobby. Mommy works from home in the mornings.

We also had a lady come test Bobby and I to tell us how smart we are. Mommy told me that the nurse said I had the language and speaking skills of a 3 yr old. Bobby and I also got high marks on the physical and comprehension tests. Yup, we are pretty smart kids!

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